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Register with the surgery

We welcome new patients to the practice.

We have a Catchment area which means new patients to this area can register with us for a full range of Primary Care Services but also welcome patients outside this area.

To register with the surgery:

When you register, it’s helpful to have your NHS number. You can use the NHS website to find your NHS number.

Other types of GP Registration

Temporary residents

If you have visitors who need urgent treatment we may be able to see them as “temporary residents.” Please ask at reception.

If they are visiting from abroad, certain countries have reciprocal health agreements but visitors from other countries may have to pay for our services.

Overseas visitors

If your country has a healthcare agreement with the UK you may not have to pay. Please visit NHS Choices for more information.

Out of practice boundary area registration

Where it is clinically appropriate and practical to register, we now accept new registrations from patients who work in the local area but reside outside our registration area. Patients registered this way would not be entitled to a home visit from the practice. However, if you live outside the practice area and need a home visit, please contact NHS 111 to be seen by a practice closer to where you live.

For further information about this type of registration, please contact us on 020 8204 0777 or please come into the practice.

Catchment area

Related information

Named GP